C.J.S Mechanical and Mobile Services | Cairns Auto Mechanical and Mufflers
C.J.S Mechanical and Mobile Services has a lipstick rating of 1 out of 5
Service Areas: Cairns , Gordonvale , Babinda , Innisfail , Port Douglas , Mossman , Mareeba , Atherton Tablelands
C.J.S Mechanical & Mobile Services is a workshop on wheels. It is a proud local business, servicing Cairns, the Atherton Tablelands and surrounding areas. The business is owned and operated by Clayton Jue Sue. Being the sole operator of C.J.S Mechanical & Mobile Services you can be sure that you the customer are getting the highest level of pride, attention to detail and pass on the savings in all the work that is carried, without any hidden short cuts.
With 12 years experience in the automotive industry & holding a number of machining tickets including a white card, there are no jobs that are off limits.
C.J.S Mechanical & Mobile Services carries out services and repairs on a wide variety of cars, including:
- Luxury cars
- 4x4
- Light earth moving machinery
- Trucks & Semi-trailers
Whether you drive a brand new vehicle, or an older vehicle – Clayton from C.J.S Mechanical & Mobile Services can service your vehicle using quality parts, oils and services that won’t void your new vehicle warranty.
Clayton provides a wide range of services, including:
- Tune ups
- Suspension
- Brakes
- Gear Box
- General Repairs
Service options: Drop off, Emergency service, Onsite service, Pick-up or Roadside service.
Payment method: Cash, Direct debit, EFT or EFTPOS
Hours of operation: Flexible hours, Monday – Saturday

Phone | : Clayton - 0427 913 084 View Number |

If anyone is looking for a reliable, enthusiastic mechanic - Clayton is definitely the guy. He is mobile so can come out to you if it is on the Tablelands or in and around Cairns. I have already serviced my Outlander twice with him, having my own business myself it was so convenient for him to come and see me to fix my car without me having to waste my valuable time dropping my car off and then coming to pick it up later. My husband Scott got Clayton to install his suspension and was very happy with his service. Deanna
I would recommend Clayton's service to anyone & everyone, especially ladies! He explained things in an easy to understand way, which is perfect for me as i am clueless when it comes to cars. Clayton contacted me to let me know that i needed something replaced and made sure i was okay with him doing so, instead of just fixing it before asking. Clayton also cleaned my car, making it look shiny and new! I will definitely be using his service again. Danielle