John Hyde Glass & Aluminium Specialists | Cairns Glazier
John Hyde Glass & Aluminium Specialists has a lipstick rating of 4 out of 5
Service Areas: Cairns , Gordonvale , Babinda , Innisfail , Port Douglas , Mossman , Mareeba , Atherton Tablelands
John Hyde Glass & Aluminium Specialists has the ability and experience to repair or modify almost any glazed structure. From reglazing glass roof awnings, to replacing the rollers in your sliding window or door, no job is too big or too small.
John Hyde Glass & Aluminium Specialists specialises in all aspects of glass, including but not limited to:
- Windows & Doors
- Shelves & Display Cabinets
- Glass Pool Fences
- Glass Tabletops and Mirrors cut to sizes
- Frameless & Auto Doors
- Glass Awnings
- Louvres
- Shower Screen Panels
- Stair Balustrades
- Glass & Mirror Splashbacks
What separates them from their competitors is their ability and willingness to cover all aspects of your project, not just the glazing. They have quality tradespeople on hand to give you the freedom to think outside the square and not be limited by one dimensional companies with one dimensional ideas. They specialise in custom glazing and are North Queensland’s leading frameless glass specialists.

Phone | : (07) 4035 1477 View Number |
Address | : 214 Hartley Street |
Bungalow, 4870 |

First class, spot on & very good quality. Adam
Definately a breath of fresh air. 10/10 Paul
I refurbish big hotels, clubs, pubs etc. I've used JH for years & wont use anyone else. (Builder) Dave