Lude Steel Fixing & Concreting | Cairns Concreting
Lude Steel Fixing & Concreting has a lipstick rating of 3 out of 5
Service Areas: Cairns , Gordonvale , Babinda , Innisfail , Port Douglas , Mossman , Mareeba , Atherton Tablelands
Lude Steel Fixing & Concreting, Cairns, offer a diverse range of services including:
- House Slabs
- Warehouse Slabs
- Shed Slabs
- Topping Slabs
- Boat Ramps
- Strip Footings
- Patios
- Concrete Removal
- Piers
- Patios
- Footpaths
- Patios
- Carparks
- Ramps
- Driveways
All of the above can be done in:
- Exposed Aggregate
- Plain Concrete
- Stencilled and Colour Concrete (Books and catalogues for colours and stencil patterns can be provided)
Other services include:
- Retaining Walls
- Tilt Panels
- Industrial Concreting
- Bridges and High Rises
- Drains
- Sewerage Treatment Tanks
- And more...
At Lude Steel Fixing & Concreting we will prepare, place and finish all your concrete work from start to finish. We will set/mark out, excavate, cart excess away, organise materials, inspections, prepare base, boxing/formwork, plastic, waffle pods, reinforcement, concrete pump, concrete, curing compound, strip boxing and we'll even clean up after ourselves.
For a free quote today, contact Jamie!