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Style Shades (Cairns & Tablelands) | Cairns Shade Sails

Style Shades (Cairns & Tablelands) has a lipstick rating of 3 out of 5

Service Areas: Cairns , Gordonvale , Babinda , Mareeba , Atherton Tablelands

Style Shades is a local, owned & operated family business, currently located at 79 Bruce Highway, Edmonton.


They specialise in the design, construction and manufacture of the highest quality shade sails and tension membrane structures available.


Also their service includes a 10 year warranty on Breakdown of material and a 2 year warranty on workmanship.


They offer an extensive range of shade sails, there is something to suit every need in this harsh Queensland weather.


Style shades also repair and make alterations to existing sails.


Phone: Cairns: Fax Number - 0740555900 or Mob Number - 0438001525  View Number
Mobile: Tablelands: 0412617428  View Number
Address: 79 Bruce Highway
  Edmonton, QLD,
Licences: BSA #1175794

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