Trade Category Information

Test and Tag

Test and Tag

For all your test and tag needs including the best local Cairns test and tag companies search our online directory.

Why Test & Tag? 

Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) legislation imposes a duty of care to provide a safe workplace. Failure to ensure the safety of electrical equipment may result in the death or injury of yourself, your employees, customers or others.

To discharge your duty of care you are required to reduce the risk of electrical shock as far as practicable. One method of achieving this is to ensure your tools, leads and appliances are tested for electrical fault on a regular basis.

For all your test and tag needs including the best local Cairns test and tag companies search our online directory.

If you are one of the leading test and tag companies in your area and would like to expose your business to a captured market who are visiting our site regularly then contact us via the contact form and we will get back to you shortly.


Featured Listings
Featured Listings
Jims Test & Tag (North Qld) has a lipstick rating of 2

Jims Test & Tag (North Qld) - Test and Tag Cairns

Jim's Test & Tag Cairns, provide a wide range of services.

Services include, but not limited to;-

  • Electrical inspection & Tagging
  • Light Globe Supply & Replacement
  • Domestic Smoke Alarms
  • Data Management 
  • Plus more....

If you are looking for a professional and reliable Test & Tag service at an affordable price, give Jim's Test & Tag a call today.


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