Trade Category Information

Window Tinting

Window Tinting

For all your window tinting needs including the best local Cairns vehicle and home tinting specialists, search our online directory.

Lady Needs a Tradie can help you find a company that can provide a vast range of vehicle, home and office tint products and services. 

If you are one of the leading tinting companies in your area and would like to expose your business to a captured market who are visiting our site regularly then contact us via the contact form and we will get back to you shortly.


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Cairns Window Tinting has a lipstick rating of 3

Cairns Window Tinting - Window Tinting Cairns

Kerry Kay-Smith who has over 24 years experience in the window film industry is the owner and operator in the Smithfield based business - Cairns Window Tinting.

Window film has multiple benefits including:

  • Heat Reduction
  • Glare Reduction
  • UV Block

These three features alone slow down fading to floors, furnishings, precious photos and art work.

Call Kerry today!

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